Hello, it has been quite a while since i last posted and many things have changed, some good some bad. I have been working hard in the house and garden since the start of the year, so all modelling has been put to one side, which is sometimes a good thing.

So i have being doing modelling of a different kind, there is still a few bits to do, a paving area, decking and a fence to build, But it is starting to really take shape. One big change will be the new shed that will replace the old one in the picture. I have a rough size of 2.5m by 3.5m to play with, which is a good size.
I am at a bit of a crossroads, I am not sure if i should build a static layout in the shed, or build it as a workshop and build modular layouts i could take to model shows. It will be well into next year before i have the shed built so i have time to plan out what i want to do.
I was in Germany in March and picked up a DCC Sound Soo Line loco in HO for 120 Euro's, and since then i have been looking over Ebay and managed to pick up quite a few. I like the colour scheme of the Soo line with the White and red. I have also picked up some CN loco's as alot of the Soo line stock was bought by the CN and repainted, but again i liked the colours.
Well as most people know i have been building a N Scale Carpark for over a Year now, and i am pleased to say its finally finished. All the lighting, cars and people are in place and it looks pretty good if you ask me.
To fill the carpark with cars i use the bags you can buy off Ebay, they contain 50 cars of different colours. and i picked them up for under £10. Now some of the cars in the bag are twisted a little, these i put it in the places where the would not be in full view, but i would say they are definitely worth the money.
You can see from other posts how i put the lighting in each floor, I also replaced the plastic lights at the top of the carpark with working ones. If i had know about the cars you can now get with the working head and brake lights, i would have used them. But i am happy with the the over all effect.
With all the lights in the room off, it really shows the lightning in the carpark off well. All the wiring for the lights runs along the roofs and into the stairwell, where i drilled out a hole in the floor so the wires can pass through.
Once the carpark is in place, be it on a static layout or a modular exhibition i will add more detail on the outside help help it blend into its surroundings.
This kit was a pleasure to build, the Instructions are very clear and easy to follow and i think it will look great on any layout.
As for my next build i think it will be the shed out the back, but i do have a load of kits to get on with, there is the full Kato High Level Station, we will see.